Welcome to AIMMLab’s Research Toolbox!

This page provides an overview of the tools, software, and resources that AIMMLab frequently uses in research. From analyzing data to visualizing results and managing projects, these tools are integral to our workflow. You’ll find information on statistical software, programming languages, data visualization platforms, literature review aids, and other resources that streamline our research process.

We hope this page offers insight into AIMMLab’s approach to research and helps you discover tools that might be useful for your own projects

The RStan tool develops a probabilistic programming language that implements full Bayesian statistical inference via Markov Chain Monte Carlo, rough Bayesian inference via ‘variational’ approximation, and (optionally penalized) maximum likelihood estimation via optimization. 

  1. Visit this link for installation: https://mc-stan.org/users/interfaces/rstan
  2. To get started, visit this link: https://mc-stan.org/users/documentation/case-studies/boarding_school_case_study.html
  3. For publications in the lab using Rstan, visit the links: