The data of this page is collected from the official website of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the District Health Information System 2 (DHIS2) health information management system.
The dataset is freely available to copy, use, and redistribute for non-commercial purposes, only, provided that the authors are appropriately credited.
1. Z Movahedi Nia, JD Kong, Africa in Data (2023)
2. World Health Organization (2023)
Africa stands as the second-largest and the second-most populous continent in the world. Nonetheless, it has the youngest population amongst all other continents. The median age of Africa was 19.7 in 2012, when the worldwide median age was 30.4. Despite having a wide range of natural resources, Africa is the least wealthy continent per capita, and the second-least wealthy by total wealth, behind Oceania. The reason is attributed to various factors including geography, climate, cold war, lack of democracy, corruption, and tribalism.
This portal is dedicated to gathering, analyzing and studying data from Africa. We aim to help different parties including policy-makers, researchers, economists, epidemiologists, and health officials understand the situation in Africa by raising the vulnerabilities of different countries.
In the maps below, countries across Africa have been compared in terms of total population, rural population, population density, life expectancy, and median age.
Since Africa is the only continent to stretch from the northern to the southern temperate zones, It has abundant natural resources. However, it remains the poorest and least-developed amongst all other continents of the world, other than Antarctica. The various reasons include legacies of colonialism, lack of access to foreign capitals, corrupt governments that commit human rights violation, failed central planning, slave trade, and frequent tribal and military conflicts ranging from guerrilla warfare to gynecide. Malnutrition, inadequate water supply and sanitation, as well as poor health conditions play a major role in low total nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the continent.
The maps below compare the GDP per capita, and Gini Index of different African countries.
Our mission is to ensure justice and equity. We are committed to gathering datasets from multiple sources, visualizing, and presenting them through this portal, to help different parties, especially researchers conduct studies and provide results on critical concerns regarding African countries.

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