Those countries with the highest rates of severe infections also had the highest rates of reported cases TORONTO, Sept. 20, 2023 – A new analysis of COVID-19 cases in Africa shows […]
WHEN JUDE KONG was growing up in Cameroon, his friends played a major role in encouraging his passion for mathematics. “From middle school onward, we had a math assignment every […]
“Integrating the power of AI, predictive modelling and simulations, the Africa-Canada Artificial Intelligence and Data innovation Consortium (ACADIC) supports data-driven decision-making for the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic […]
The program, led by York University in Toronto, merges knowledge from researchers, policy makers and local community experts from around the world to create AI-powered tools tailored to specific countries […]
“The low reporting numbers was likely due to a lack of public awareness, public health resources, monitoring practices, testing availability and stigma,” says Faculty of Science Professor Jude Kong, senior […]
In a groundbreaking initiative, the Africa-Canada Artificial Intelligence and Data Innovation Consortium (ACADIC) is leveraging AI, predictive modeling, and simulations to bolster data-driven decision-making in the fight against the COVID-19 […]